Sunday, November 25, 2007

Dear ALL,

I believe you are going to enter an interesting phase of the workshop this week. I would like to list some video material I find interesting and certainly have potential to be re-worked and used as inspiration and source in the installation you are planning to make.

1. Live camera exercise – Melody and Asgeir
2. Solos – I advise you to reserve the editing suites and select the “best of” (this will certainly depend on CONTENT – will talk about this later).
3. João Shopping Clip – I think if projected smaller, or shown in a TV monitor, the quality will appear better.
4. Willian/Simon/Esra Live/pre-recorded – Nice interaction stage/image. Interesting composition. Needs
5. Solos in the darkness – I would watch carefully the material and go for a tight editing of it. Again, the use of it will depend on the final concept of the installation.
6. Hema video.

CONTENT – I understood Ibrahim will work on concept/content of the installation with you. Personally I find it super important at the stage of this workshop. In order for you to go on, to make choice, to “give reason” to image, sound and body, you will need to make up what this installation is about. In order to produce more images and to make choice in how to use the existing images (if to use them), it will depend on the direction you will go. I find a pity to not be around at this phase of the program, as this is the most interesting part. But my hours to work with you are limited and that is how it could be organized after all.

I will be following the blog. If you have specific questions, please don’t hesitate in contacting me at

Please make sure you reserve editing suites when outside the workshop hours. The same for cameras, tripods. For the rest you have access to the workshop equipement in the coming two weeks at the workshop dates and time.

All the best,


Thursday, November 22, 2007

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Mummy, mummy, I saw an autistic elephant today!

/ \
for a detailed size

some fragments of thoughts glued together after the trip to this
19th century zoo
, south from what used to be the docks from the merchant ships
that came from the Orient
bringing samples of the Orient
revealing the realness of the Orient
in the format of displays

anyone knows a website with photos from Belgium Fairs from 19th century
where the african tribes from Congo where displayed just like in the zoo?
or related form of display and performance staging?


Monday, November 19, 2007


To understand the relationship between the body and its external manifestations just remember the implications of the word CONTAINMENT in all its facts after our last monday discussions.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

hema video

hello Everyone

As from the image group, I have finished editing a 3 min video from Hema. I put it on a dv tape where it is looped for 1 hour. It has to be playback from Marias NTSC videocamera, which I hope can be connected to a projector. It can contribute to the installation.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

HEMA Sounds

Hello Everyone,

Here are all the HEMA sounds I have selected. Please have a listen (or pass around the CD I gave you), select one or more fragments for yourself and think what you could do with it in the workshop. If you write down the titles that would be helpful.




H_Long Interview.mp3

H_Long Interview 2.mp3

H_Long Interview 3.mp3

H_Interview 4.mp3

H_Long Interview 5.mp3

H_Long Interview 6.mp3




HEMA Env_1.mp3

HEMA Env_2.mp3

HEMA Env_3.mp3

HEMA Env_4.mp3

HEMA Env_5.mp3

HEMA Noise.mp3

HEMA Noise_2.mp3

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

The HEMA body - Nov 13

Notes over the embodiment of the HEMA environment from the physicality point of view, sound and image (ry).

Body Team: Physical notes
-Bored faces / Bend Spine /Focus of the eyes low-middle level
-Precision in hand gestures/actions
-Body follows the head while the head follow the eye
-Buyer Body: direct,sustained,staccato (while shopping)
-Buyer Body: Lost, circular focus, less direct, wondering ( while waiting in any cue)
-Seller: quick, efficient and direct
-Avoid of physical contact/ Social events

Sound Team: Notes
-Use of functional language
-Background sound
-Directing- Commanding- Promoting
-Conversation: Short and direct

Image Team: Notes
-Color screaming/ seductive / Giving direction
-Over load of information - Space is overloaded
-Arquitecture - and the way of organizing events in the space- influence the way of going trough the space

Friday, November 9, 2007

Concept Development Assignment # 1

With this post I would like you to have an overview of the week, from the first assignment and the exploration of the physicality aspects coming out of this first assignment, as well the exploration of this materials using sound and image during Ivo's and Roberta's sessions.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Image Workshop 1

Movement Description Body team HEMA

Here are some movement descriptions of people in the Hema-store:

- bored faces
- half bend spine
- buyer: - direct, sustained and staccato
- Body follows the head while the head follows the eye

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Tuesday, November 6, 2007